Washing machines are electrical household appliances consisting of electrical components arranged in such a way that they can function to wash, rinse and squeeze / dry clothes. Washing machines are a group of electrical household appliances in the classification of mechanical conditioning because in the washing machine electricity is converted into mechanical energy. This mechanical power is used to perform the function of washing, rinsing and drying clothes. The washing machine has an electric power which is often referred to as an electric motor with a variety of capacities.
Washing machines are increasingly developing, even today there is an automatic washing machine, where the clothes are placed in the sink and the washing machine is operated, the machine will automatically wash, rinse until it dries. This kind of washing machine is equipped with a control device, so that the work process can be controlled by humans.
Basically the washing machine in its use has three stages: washing, rinsing and squeezing / drying
A. Washing Machine Parts
1) Washing basins are used for washing clothes
2) Press / dryer tub functions for clothes / dryer
3) The switch functions for the initial operation of the washing machine
4) The inlet and water outlet hose functions for water inlet and drainage channels
5) An electric motor is used to drive the pulsator and dryer tub
6) Capacitors function to improve the performance of the electric motor (Cos f)
7) Timer (Timer) functions to set the time / length of washing, flushing and squeezing / drying
8) Arde cable serves to secure / neutralize short-circuit current or leakage current. The washing machine's body and Pulsator function to produce circular motion of the water.
Picture of National Type NA-W60A4 Washing Machine Parts
B. Working Principles of Washing Machines
The washing machine works by using mechanical power from the motor to drive the screw pulsator in the sink and and rotate the wringer / drying machine. The motor used in the washing tub is a motor with a low speed while for the wringer / dryer the motor uses a high speed motor.
Basically there are three stages of work on the washing machine, namely the washing stage, the rinsing stage and the drying / squeeze stage.
In the washing phase, besides having to pay attention to its capacity, it is also necessary to pay attention to its function. At the washing stage that needs attention is:
1) Separation of white clothing material, faded and hard
2) Giving water according to capacity
3) Provide the appropriate detergent dose
4) Adjust the washing time
5) Operation
The entire washing process takes place and is done by a washing machine. Users simply close and run the washing machine, the washing machine will work based on the given time setting. If the specified washing time is reached, the washing tank motor will automatically stop. In this process the washing machine will rotate and be supported by bubbles and water spray so that the movement resembles a squeezing person. Thus the results can be accounted for in terms of cleaning the laundry. There is also a washing machine that has a monitor glass in front, but what is commonly used in most households is the one who wears a cover. After the washing process is complete, the next process is the second phase of rinsing.
Some types of washing machines have two separate storage tanks, namely washing tanks and squeeze and drying tanks. Such a washing machine after the washing process is complete, the clothes must be transferred to the squeeze and drying tank. This tank or tube can be given water, but sometimes it's just dry with clothes inserted and exhausted almost dry.
The drying process can be done alone by a quality washing machine but can also be with the help of sunlight. The washing machine saves time and energy up to 80%.
C. Washing Machine Electrical Series
Picture of the National NA-W60A4 Type Washing Electricity Series
F: Fuse
S: Switch On-Off
C: Capacitors
T, T1, T2: Timer
W.M: Motor for washing tub (wash)
S.M: Motor for dryer / squeezer (Spin)
D. Installation and Maintenance Installation
In the installation of the washing machine must be considered the following:
Place the washing machine on a flat floor and good air circulation around it.
Do not place the washing machine on a sloping floor.
Do not place the washing machine on a soft floor (soft) or on a rough (wavy) floor.
(1) Connect the water supply faucet to the washing machine's Water Filling Hose.
(2) Connect the green grounding cable available in the washing machine with an iron pipe planted at least 30 cm.
Do not connect the washing machine cable to the gas pipe.
E. Use, Maintenance and Repair
1) Usage
Examples of the use of washing machines are washing machines Brand National Type NA-W60A4 with the following specifications:
Voltage source: AC 220 V 50Hz
Washing capacity: 6 kg
Use of motor power: 230 Watts
Rpm Pulsator: 200 rpm
Squeeze capacity: 6 kg
Motor power usage: 140 Watts
Rpm squeeze tub: 1400 rpm
Standard water limit: 42 liters
a) Washing Tub Use (Wash Tub)
The steps of the washing process that need to be done if using a washing machine National Type NA-W60A4 brand with the above specifications are:
1) Lay off the drainage hose to the floor / drain (Knob of water discharge in the wash / rinse position
2) Run water into the washing tub until it reaches the desired position
3) Add detergent according to the dose according to the water level. Operate 1-2 minutes so that the detergent can dissolve and evenly spread.
4) Put clothes in a washing tub. Select the position of the water centrifuge knob that matches the load of the clothes to be washed (for light loads in the Soft position (GENTLE), and for heavy loads in the REGULAR position.
5) Turn the washing timer knob as desired. (For use of the soak function (soak timer), turn the wash timer to 45, then the soak timer rotates according to the cycle.
6) If the rotation is slow, remove a few pieces of clothing until you get a more stable round.
b) Flushing Instructions
1) Remove soapy water in a washing tub. Dirt is cleaned which is attached to the washing tub.
2) Reinsert the clothes in the washing tub while flowing water into the washing tub until it reaches HI position. Set the flow of water that is wasted when rinsing.
3) For rinsing the wash timer for 5-7 minutes.
4) After finishing stop the water flow. Remove soapy water in a washing tub.
c) Usage of Spin Tub
1) Adjust the clothes in the squeeze tub in a balanced manner. Imbalance in the squeeze tub will cause abnormal / rumbling sounds
2) Adjust the position of the squeezer cap properly so that the clothes are not thrown out of the squeeze tub.
3) Turn the squeeze timer knob according to the desired time
4) Do not insert your hands while the squeeze tub rotates
Image of a blackmailer
2) Treatment
In order for the washing machine to be used to stay long-lasting and durable, it is necessary to note the following points.
1. Do not allow water to enter the panel, which allows a short connection to electrical parts.
2. Do not place it in a place that is exposed to direct sunlight, overheating or high humidity (heat can stretch the outer surface).
3. Keep small children from washing machines to avoid dangerous things.
4. Do not place a lit candle or other hot object on the washing machine because it can cause a fire.
5. Do not leave the electric kebelum pinched or squeezed by heavy items. If the power cord is damaged, it is very dangerous.
6. Do not wash clothes that are exposed to flammable liquid material in the washing machine.
7. Do not open the lid in the wringer tub or insert your hand before the wringer tub really stops spinning.
8. Avoid metal items or other hard goods, do not get into the washing machine.
9. Avoid power cables from mouse bites by taking topical anti-mosquito drugs which are usually gel-shaped. the brand is Aut * n or Sof * l or what brand is allowed. After that, apply it to the entire surface of the cable that you want to protect from the mouse. No need to be too thick, if you just hit it. (These are personal tips)
3) Repair
In the operation of a washing machine there is usually a problem. There are problems that can be overcome easily and some must be corrected because of damage to the electrical components. Among the problems that can be solved easily are:
Picture the problem and how to overcome it (enlarge to see more clearly)
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