Tips for Washing Using a Washing Machine

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In modern times, many housewives wash clothes using machines. Especially for mothers who have a career outside the home and have solid activities. They choose to use a clothes washing machine instead of washing with their hands because it will save more energy and time.
However, when washing clothes using a machine you must pay attention to certain things. Because if not then your clothes will quickly break or look dull and your washing machine will not last. This often happens due to mistakes and how to wash clothes using a washing machine that is not correct. Here are some tips for washing using a clothes washing machine that you can practice.
1. You separate clothes in 3 baskets. Before you put it in the washing machine, you separate the clothes according to the type. From clothing that is white or bright, dark-colored clothing and clothing made from thick or jeans. Besides that, wear off your clothes must also be separated. Because every garment has a different treatment method. It would be better if you read the labels that are worn before washing.
2. For clothes that have stubborn stains, you should soak them and scrape them first in a separate place before being put into the washing machine.
3. Fill the water into the washing machine according to the number of clothes you want to wash and do not exceed the maximum limit. Because usage that exceeds the maximum limit will damage your clothes washing machine.
4. Put the detergent in the detergent in the washing machine. Do not pour detergent together with the dirty clothes to avoid detergent clotting on clothes or washing that is not clean.
5. Turn on the washing machine according to the type of clothes you are washing.
6. If you use a washing machine that does not automatically squeeze or type two tubes, then you have to move your own save specifically for squeezer. If you want to use clothes fragrance. Then before washing you must first enter the perfume on the place of perfume in the washing machine. Thus your clothes will be better maintained with tips on washing clothes using a washing machine.

Blog, Updated at: 5:28 AM


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