Universal Control Module for Single Tube Washing Machine

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Electronic control module price for SANYO single tube washing machine in the market averaga $75. You can call service center technician to install the module with modul installation fee for the tecnician. This price too expensive for most people. 
Another way to fix the electronic control module single tube washing machine is use replacement washing machine universal control module made in china. This universal module is more cheaper cost to pay include the installation .

Something that need to be done in universal module installation :
1. Be observe thoroughly wiring diagram the washing machine to match with universal control module.
2. Replace the original flue detector water level switch with the same detector in the universal module and don't be reverse to installed. It can't be work if reverse installed condition. 
3. Install correctly the output connection in the electric motor from washing machine.
4. Don't forget to connect switch symbol pin with AC 220V.
5. To close the gap wit silicont sealant so as not to enter the water then seal with plastic glass car film.
I hope this information can solve your washing machine problem.

Blog, Updated at: 11:20 AM


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