White is the color that many people like because it is easy to combine with any color. so it is widely used for purposes in everyday life such as: as a school uniform or work shirt. But, as the brightest color, only a few stains on white clothes will look very clear.
In addition, white also often turns dull and yellow, making white clothes have to get extra care compared to other colored clothes.
We are often confused, how to maintain and take care of white clothes so that they don't get dull quickly? How also to restore the white color as new to white clothes that already look dull? please read the description below.
Tips for caring for and returning a white shirt that looks dull:
- After being used immediately soak the white clothes to prevent chemicals such as deodorant and perfume from sticking too long to cause yellowish stains on the collar and armpits. But before making sure you have separated white clothes with other color clothes. This is useful to prevent white clothes from being smeared from other clothes.
- As a stain remover, use detergents specifically for white clothes so that the results of washing more optimally. Usually detergents specifically for white clothes have a special formula to prevent white clothes from getting dull quickly.
- When removing stains, rub the collar, shirt bag and armpit manually. this part is a gathering place for dirt that is difficult to clean when using a washing machine.
- Jemur baju diterik matahari, bila sudah kering segera angkat baju dari jemuran.
- After the clothes dry, iron your white shirt with a temperature that is not too hot. Temperatures that are too hot will make your white shirt quickly change color.
- To keep white clothes neat, use hanging clothes / hangers made of plastic or wood. Avoid using iron hangers that can spread rust to your clothes.
- If your white shirt looks dull, you can soak your clothes with bleach after the clothes are washed with detergent. Soak for 30 minutes to 1 hour to get the best results.
Traditional ingredients for caring for clothing:
Noni fruit - Use noni fruit to brighten white clothes that look dull. Prepare the ripe noni fruit then take the water. Then, mix the noni juice with clean water in a small bucket. Soak your white clothes for an hour then wash and rinse, after that you can wash them using detergent as you can.
MSG / vetsin - MSG / vetsin can be used to remove blood stains, oils, drinks, and food on your white shirt. The trick is to soak the white clothes in water that has been spiked with a teaspoon of MSG / vetsin. After being rubbed for a while, then wash like you can.
Salt & lime - Salt & lime can be used to whiten your dull white clothes, the way is to soak white clothes using a little salt, lime juice and water for a night. The next day you can wash the clothes as usual.
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