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It is called a 2-tube washing machine because it has 2 main parts namely a washing tube or a washing tube and a drying tube or Spin tube. Each is driven by its own electric motor as the name implies. Motorcycle Washing and Spin Motor.
Damage that is often encountered from this type of washing machine has several types, as well as we will discuss how to handle it.

· Washing machine dead
If we find this damage is the easiest. The first we check the voltage in the socket is there or not. If the normal voltage of the second step opens the back cover of the machine, check all the cable networks in it, usually this type of machine is very susceptible and easily cones mice. Find a broken cable and if it has been found, reconnect according to the color. Do not forget to open the top cover on the Timer panel because the mouse likes to go up to this part too, do the same if the cable breaks.
Other damage is usually the fuse inside the washing machine is broken. The fuse is wrapped in a plastic bag along with a cable cable connection ... If the fuse breaks there is a possibility that one part of the machine is short. Look for the short section. Or it could also be a short cause because the cable was bitten by the mouse. But not all grandchild machines use fuses, only certain brands.
· Motor Washing doesn't work
This damage is often caused by damage to the Washing Timer located on the top panel of the washing machine, which is very likely due to age or because of water intake. Replace with a new one. If the timer is in good condition, check the motor for the possibility of breaking up.
If the spull breaks, see the condition of the motor whether it is still worth rewinding or not
If it's not feasible, just replace it with a new one.
· Motor Washing Normal road but Washing dish doesn't work
This often happens to washing machines that use Gear Boxes. Gear teeth that are in the gear box usually wear out or fall out. Replace with a new one. It's good before you install it, first dismantle this Gear box and add Vaseline lubricant in it or better use Silicone Oil lubricant.
 Motor Washing Spin slowly or just buzzing but not spinning
Capacitor checks are usually double, meaning 1 capacitor contains two. The only capacitor for spin motor values ​​between 4uF to 6uF and the other for motor washing is the value between 8uF to 10uf with a working voltage of 400Vac
Checking should use another capacitor or the new one will be easier. Because if it is only measured using Ohm meters it seems that it is still good but it turns out it is not working or the value has decreased.
If the replacement of the capacitor remains unsuccessful, there is a possibility that BOS from the As motor has worn out. Or the axle of the motor itself is worn out, so that when the motor will rotate it causes the Rotor and Stator to stick and get stuck, even when there is no light voltage. The bus can be replaced with a new one but if the damaged AS will be very difficult, because it must be patched with welding and lathe again. Usually the cost will swell. The easiest to replace with a new one.

Spin Dead Motor
Check the Spin Timer if it still functions normally. Check the cable maybe something is broken, then check Safety switch at the base of the tube cap Spin is there corrosion due to water. Of course you have to open the timer panel first, because the switch position is in it. If everything is normal then check on the Spin motorbike whether the spull breaks or it has burned.

· Spinning Motor Buzzing but not spinning or spinning slowly or shaky
It's almost the same as the case with Washing motorbikes, but in addition to checking capacitors and spulls, also check the braking wire associated with the spin tube cap whether it's broken or not because this includes the safety system of the engine.
If there is a spull motor burn or a short circuit, it should be before installing the new one, check the rubber cop which functions as a water seal, which is on the inside of the tube, whether it is normal or not. Very often the cause of the damage to the Spin motor because it was exposed to water that came from the leakage of this Kop rubber which was loose
Do not forget when replacing rubber on glue using Castol glue or the like.

· Water seeps from disposal during washing
Check the rubber Water discharge valve, Often this rubber is blocked by objects such as coins, paper clips or other objects left in the pants pocket when the clothes are about to be washed. It could also be because the rubber of the dumping valve itself is damaged or torn, or the press of the rubber is rusty and must be replaced with a new one ...

The thing above is damage that I have experienced very often. But there are some other damages that require a little of our expertise in overcoming it, meaning we have to be a little creative to overcome the damage
As an additional note if you buy a motorbike, whether it's a Washing Motor or a Spinning Motor
be careful in choosing. Don't be tempted by cheap prices. Because it turns out there are some products that turn out to be not copper wire but made from aluminum. So it's not a copper e-wire but an aluminum e-wire. The wire made from aluminum turned out to be resistant to water, very easy to break and not durable. It's best that we buy wire e-mail and rewinding itself if the motorbike is still suitable for re-spulling, or if you don't want to take it, just take it to the spullman who we believe in.
Hopefully useful for all of us.

Booster Pump Washing Machine 1 Tube
One time I got a complaint from a mother who had a 1-tube washing machine. It's been 2 months for the washing machine to be used for washing, after occupying a new house. Even though the old house is always used and there are no problems.
And the condition of the washing machine is also not damaged. When I asked the problem, it turned out that the water did not want to come out filling the washing machine tube during the washing process.
From the results of observations of the existing conditions, it turns out that the problem occurred because the water reservoir in the house was not high enough, from the ground surface was only about 2 meters. Automatic water that comes out that only relies on earth's gravity, is unable to suppress the hole in the valve of the electric faucet (Solenoide Valve)
Who is in the washing machine.
The solution to overcome this problem is by installing a booster water pump at the output of the water reservoir. The mother objected to having to install a new water pump because she had to increase expenses while she only rented the house. Finally, I give a second solution, which is by utilizing the existing water pump, which is used to fill the water reservoir sourced from the well.
But it is indeed a bit of a hassle because it has to turn off the faucet when washing and turn on the faucet when filling the water reservoir.
With a little addition of an electrical circuit and changing the water piping, the problem can be solved.

Piping picture


Image of a washing machine Solenoid Valve (SV)


CR Is a Relay with a coil with 220 Volts AC. To be more durable, you can use a relay with the MK2P series OMRON brand. Its contact ability is up to 10 A.

Blog, Updated at: 5:17 PM


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